Fundamentals of Physical Security in Data Centers

When we hear the term physical security what does it mean for you? How about the case for data centers? Physical security is the protection of personnel, hardware, software, networks, and data from physical actions and events that could cause serious loss or damage to an enterprise, agency or institution. This includes protection from fire, flood, natural

Data Center Operational Safety and Security

Why do co-operate companies have their own data center and many of them declining to move to the cloud? Many of the surveys show that the top notched reason is the security considerations which can be either physical or logical. When we talk about security there is a co-related word which is Safety. So this is a

Compliance policies and procedures in data centers

Along with the growth of information technology, the amount of data accumulated is also rapidly grown. The biggest threat that existing on these days is to make sure these data are secure. In order to make sure the high availability of data without cyber any attack or losing chances it’s necessary to take necessary steps