Switching architectures in a data center

You know that in a data center environment there is a number of servers, storage devices, networking devices that are involved to provide the functionality as a data center. In order to provide the connectivity between all these devices isn’t it necessary to connect these devices into network and data transmission between these devices are

Different types of fiber optic cable connectors

We have seen the basics of fiber optics and different types of fiber optic cables. But it is a sense of knowing that there will be two ends for fiber optic cables and each ends function will be to transfer/receive the data either to transceiver or other fiber optic cables. Isn’t it our duty to

Single Mode and Multi-Mode Fiber Cables

In the previous article, we have seen the physical structure and basic principles of data transmission in fiber optics. Mainly there are two categories of fiber optic cables available in the market, Single mode fiber Multimode fiber When planning to build a fiber optic network, the first decision you often encounter is single-mode fiber or multimode fiber. Hopefully, I can make

Categories of Copper Twisted Pair cables

In my previous article we have seen the classification of copper twisted pair cables. Let us have a look into different categories of twisted-pair cables available in the market. These categories are made based on technology advancements. Hence please be reminded that when the category goes up we are getting more advanced features and capability

Troubleshooting Network Connectivity Issues

In a real-time environment, I am pretty sure that 100% of network administrators have had a chance for troubleshooting network connectivity issues.  Most of the troubles might have shown different indications and you would have fixed it after spending a lot of time towards this. Let us see some of the most common symptoms that we