Categories of Copper Twisted Pair cables

In my previous article we have seen the classification of copper twisted pair cables. Let us have a look into different categories of twisted-pair cables available in the market. These categories are made based on technology advancements. Hence please be reminded that when the category goes up we are getting more advanced features and capability

Troubleshooting Network Connectivity Issues

In a real-time environment, I am pretty sure that 100% of network administrators have had a chance for troubleshooting network connectivity issues.  Most of the troubles might have shown different indications and you would have fixed it after spending a lot of time towards this. Let us see some of the most common symptoms that we

Racks and Cabinets in a data center

When you are working in a data center, you might all have heard the word racks and cabinets. Are these are same or is there any difference between both? What would be the industry standard to define its size and shape? Let’s have a look at these concepts in detail. A rack is an open

Data Center Containment System

We have seen multiple ways to distribute the cold/hot air within the white space area. According to  TIA 942-B, the “Cabinets and racks shall be arranged in an alternating pattern, with fronts of cabinets/racks facing each other in a row to create “hot” and “cold” aisles.”. In the previous article, we have seen different ways to distribute/return the air

Cooling Strategies in data center white space area

In my previous article, we have seen multiple ways to generate cold air and pull out the hot air. But all these things were showing only the supply/return until the white space. Have you ever wondered how this airflow is managed effectively inside the white space area? If this is not managed properly all your efforts for